Estudio Longitudinal de la estacionalidad turísticas en España usando Redes Neuronales
España se ha convertido en un referente en cuanto al turismo ya que el número de visitantes se ha multiplicado de forma extraordinaria, se ha pasado de un modelo turístico uniforme, a lo largo y ancho de la península, a un modelo nuclear. Las variaciones coyunturales asociadas al ciclo económico asociado al turismo tienen un indiscutible impacto económico en las comunidades autónomas. En este trabajo se estudió la estacionalidad de los turistas en épocas prepandémica. Para este propósito se usaron las redes neuronales artificiales para predecir el tipo de turista que está vinculado con los periodos estivales. De ahí que fue usada cómo técnica la red neuronal artificial que consiguió un 86,90% de acierto. Los resultados relevantes se direccionaron a que los turistas nacionales frente a los extranjeros tuvieron mayor participación de estacionalidad a lo largo del año, mientras que los extranjeros son mayormente significativos en periodos estivales.
Aditya, F., Nasution, S. M., Virgono, A. Traffic Flow Prediction Using SUMO Application with K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Method. International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2020; 12(7): 98-103.
Al-Bakri, N. F., Yonan, J. F., Sadiq, A. T., Abid, A. S. Tourism companies assessment via social media using sentiment analysis. Baghdad Science Journal 2022; 19(2): 422-429.
Alkan, T., Dokuz, Y., Ecemiş, A., Bozdağ, A., & Durduran, S. S. Using machine learning algorithms for predicting real estate values in tourism centers. Soft Computing 2022; 1-13.
Allcock, J. Seasonality. En Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook. S. Witt y L. Moutinho (eds.), Prentice Hall 1994, New York pp; 191-208.
Amato, G., Falchi, F. kNN based image classification relying on local feature similarity. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications 2010: 101-108.
Ashworth, J.; Thomas, B. Patterns of seasonality in employment in tourism in the United Kingdom. Applied Economics Letter 6 1999; (11): 735-739.
Baron, R.V. (1975): Seasonality in Tourism-A Guide to the Analysis of Seasonality and Trends for Policy Making, Technical Series 1975; 2, Economist Intelligence Unit, London.
Baum, T.; Hagen, L., Responses to seasonality: the experiences of peripheral destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research 1999; 1(5): 299-312.
Butler, R. Seasonality in tourism: issues and problems. En Tourism. The State of the Art. A. Seaton (Edit.) Wiley Chichester 1999: 332-340
BUTLER, R.W., «Seasonality in tourism: Issues and implications», en BAUM, T. y LUNDTORP, S. (Eds.): Seasonality in tourism 2001; Pergamon-Elsevier, Oxford: 5-22.
Carneiro, J., Meira, J., Novais, P., & Marreiros, G. (2021). Using machine learning to predict the users ratings on tripadvisor based on their reviews. In Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Social Good. The PAAMS Collection: International Workshops of PAAMS 2021, Salamanca, Spain, October 6–9, 2021, Proceedings 19: 127-138.
Chadha, S., Mittal, S., & Singhal, V., An Insight of Script Text Extraction Performance using Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 2019; 9(1).
COWELL, F. Measuring Inequality, Second edition. New York: Prentice Hall.
Duro, J.A. (2008): «La concentración temporal de la demanda turística en España y sus regiones: un análisis empírico a partir de índices de desigualdad», Revista de Análisis Turístico 2008; 6: 36-48.
Duro, J. A., Farré, F. X., Estacionalidad turística en las provincias españolas: medición y análisis. Cuadernos de Turismo 2015; (36): 157-174.
Hernández, R., Fernández, C., Baptista, P., Metodología de la Investigación 2010. México D.F.: Mcgraw-HILL / Interamericana Editores, S.A. de C.V.
Fernández-Morales, A., «Decomposing seasonal concentration», Annals of Tourism Research 2003; 30 (4): 942-956.
Fernández-Morales, A. y Cruz-Mayorga, M.C. «Seasonal concentration of the hotel demand in Costa del Sol: A decomposition by nationalities», Tourism Management 2008; 29: 940-949.
Flores Ruiz, D., Bago Sotillo, E., & Barroso González, M. de la O. Comportamiento del turismo nacional y crecimiento en España. Revista Investigaciones Turísticas 2018, 16, 68–86.
Georgantzas, N.C. Cyprus’ hotel value chain and profitability. System Dynamics Review 2003; 19(3):175-212
Getz, D.; Nilsson, P.A. Responses of family businesses to extreme seasonality in demand: case of Bornholm, Denmark. Tourism Management 2004; 25(1): 17-30.
GINI, C., Variabilità e mutabilità, C.Cuppini, Bologna 1912.
Gutiérrez Cordero, M. de L., Segovia-Vargas, M. J., y Escamilla, M. R. Análisis del Riesgo de Caída de Cartera en Seguros: Metodologías de “Inteligencia Artificial” vs “Modelos Lineales Generalizados.” Economía Informa 2017; 407: 56–86.
Hapsari, I., & Surjandari, I. Visiting time prediction using machine learning regression algorithm. In 2018 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2018: 495-500.
Instituto de estudios turísticos (IET). Balance del turismo año 2009 [Balantur] 2010. turismo en España en 2009.pdf
KOENIG-LEWIS, N. y BISCHOFF, E. (2005): «Seasonality research: the state of the art», International Journal of Tourism Research 2005; 7: 201-219.
Kokate, S., Gaikwad, A., Patil, P., Gutte, M., Shinde, K., Traveler's Recommendation System Using Data Mining Techniques. In 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) 2018: 1-5.
Krakover, S. Partitioning seasonal employment in the hospitality industry. Tourism Management 2000; 2(3):461-471
Kuvan, Y.; Akan, P. Resident’s attitudes toward general and forest-related impacts of tourism: the case of Belek, Antalya. Tourism Management 2005; 26(5):691-706.
Leal, F., Malheiro, B., & Burguillo, J. C. Trust and reputation modelling for tourism recommendations supported by crowdsourcing. In Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies 2018;1 (6) :829-838. Springer International Publishing.
López, J. y López, L.La concentración estacional en las regiones españolas desde una perspectiva de la oferta turística, Revista de Estudios Regionales 2006, 77, pp. 77-104.
López Bonilla, J. M., López Bonilla, L. M. Variabilidad estacional del mercado turístico en Andalucía. Estudios y perspectivas en turismo 2007; 16(2): 150-172.
Lundtorp, S. «Measuring tourism seasonality» en: BAUM, T. y LUNDTORP, S. (Eds.), Seasonality in tourism 2001: 23-50, Pergamon-Elsevier, Oxford.
Lusseau, D.; Higham, J.E.S. Managing the impacts of dolphin-based tourism through the definition of critical habitats: the case of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) in Doubtful Sound, New Zeeland. Tourism Management 2004; 25(6): 657-667.
Mariwa, S. O., Tunduny, T. K. a Web-Based Application for Making Low-Cost Vacation Reservations for Tourists Using the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 2021; 48, 67-76.
Martín, J.M., Jiménez, J. y Molina, V., (2014): Impacts of seasonality on environmental sustainability in the tourism sector based on destination type: an application to Spain’s Andalusia region, Tourism Economics 2014, 20 (1), pp. 123-142.
Aditya, F., Nasution, S. M., Virgono, A. Traffic Flow Prediction Using SUMO Application with K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Method. International Journal of Integrated Engineering 2020; 12(7): 98-103.
Al-Bakri, N. F., Yonan, J. F., Sadiq, A. T., Abid, A. S. Tourism companies assessment via social media using sentiment analysis. Baghdad Science Journal 2022; 19(2): 422-429.
Alkan, T., Dokuz, Y., Ecemiş, A., Bozdağ, A., & Durduran, S. S. Using machine learning algorithms for predicting real estate values in tourism centers. Soft Computing 2022; 1-13.
Allcock, J. Seasonality. En Tourism Marketing and Management Handbook. S. Witt y L. Moutinho (eds.), Prentice Hall 1994, New York pp; 191-208.
Amato, G., Falchi, F. kNN based image classification relying on local feature similarity. In Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Similarity Search and Applications 2010: 101-108.
Ashworth, J.; Thomas, B. Patterns of seasonality in employment in tourism in the United Kingdom. Applied Economics Letter 6 1999; (11): 735-739.
Baron, R.V. (1975): Seasonality in Tourism-A Guide to the Analysis of Seasonality and Trends for Policy Making, Technical Series 1975; 2, Economist Intelligence Unit, London.
Baum, T.; Hagen, L., Responses to seasonality: the experiences of peripheral destinations. International Journal of Tourism Research 1999; 1(5): 299-312.
Butler, R. Seasonality in tourism: issues and problems. En Tourism. The State of the Art. A. Seaton (Edit.) Wiley Chichester 1999: 332-340
BUTLER, R.W., «Seasonality in tourism: Issues and implications», en BAUM, T. y LUNDTORP, S. (Eds.): Seasonality in tourism 2001; Pergamon-Elsevier, Oxford: 5-22.
Carneiro, J., Meira, J., Novais, P., & Marreiros, G. (2021). Using machine learning to predict the users ratings on tripadvisor based on their reviews. In Highlights in Practical Applications of Agents, Multi-Agent Systems, and Social Good. The PAAMS Collection: International Workshops of PAAMS 2021, Salamanca, Spain, October 6–9, 2021, Proceedings 19: 127-138.
Chadha, S., Mittal, S., & Singhal, V., An Insight of Script Text Extraction Performance using Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 2019; 9(1).
COWELL, F. Measuring Inequality, Second edition. New York: Prentice Hall.
Duro, J.A. (2008): «La concentración temporal de la demanda turística en España y sus regiones: un análisis empírico a partir de índices de desigualdad», Revista de Análisis Turístico 2008; 6: 36-48.
Duro, J. A., Farré, F. X., Estacionalidad turística en las provincias españolas: medición y análisis. Cuadernos de Turismo 2015; (36): 157-174.
Hernández, R., Fernández, C., Baptista, P., Metodología de la Investigación 2010. México D.F.: Mcgraw-HILL / Interamericana Editores, S.A. de C.V.
Fernández-Morales, A., «Decomposing seasonal concentration», Annals of Tourism Research 2003; 30 (4): 942-956.
Fernández-Morales, A. y Cruz-Mayorga, M.C. «Seasonal concentration of the hotel demand in Costa del Sol: A decomposition by nationalities», Tourism Management 2008; 29: 940-949.
Flores Ruiz, D., Bago Sotillo, E., & Barroso González, M. de la O. Comportamiento del turismo nacional y crecimiento en España. Revista Investigaciones Turísticas 2018, 16, 68–86.
Georgantzas, N.C. Cyprus’ hotel value chain and profitability. System Dynamics Review 2003; 19(3):175-212
Getz, D.; Nilsson, P.A. Responses of family businesses to extreme seasonality in demand: case of Bornholm, Denmark. Tourism Management 2004; 25(1): 17-30.
GINI, C., Variabilità e mutabilità, C.Cuppini, Bologna 1912.
Gutiérrez Cordero, M. de L., Segovia-Vargas, M. J., y Escamilla, M. R. Análisis del Riesgo de Caída de Cartera en Seguros: Metodologías de “Inteligencia Artificial” vs “Modelos Lineales Generalizados.” Economía Informa 2017; 407: 56–86.
Hapsari, I., & Surjandari, I. Visiting time prediction using machine learning regression algorithm. In 2018 6th International Conference on Information and Communication Technology (ICoICT) 2018: 495-500.
Instituto de estudios turísticos (IET). Balance del turismo año 2009 [Balantur] 2010. turismo en España en 2009.pdf
KOENIG-LEWIS, N. y BISCHOFF, E. (2005): «Seasonality research: the state of the art», International Journal of Tourism Research 2005; 7: 201-219.
Kokate, S., Gaikwad, A., Patil, P., Gutte, M., Shinde, K., Traveler's Recommendation System Using Data Mining Techniques. In 2018 Fourth International Conference on Computing Communication Control and Automation (ICCUBEA) 2018: 1-5.
Krakover, S. Partitioning seasonal employment in the hospitality industry. Tourism Management 2000; 2(3):461-471
Kuvan, Y.; Akan, P. Resident’s attitudes toward general and forest-related impacts of tourism: the case of Belek, Antalya. Tourism Management 2005; 26(5):691-706.
Leal, F., Malheiro, B., & Burguillo, J. C. Trust and reputation modelling for tourism recommendations supported by crowdsourcing. In Trends and Advances in Information Systems and Technologies 2018;1 (6) :829-838. Springer International Publishing.
López, J. y López, L.La concentración estacional en las regiones españolas desde una perspectiva de la oferta turística, Revista de Estudios Regionales 2006, 77, pp. 77-104.
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Mariwa, S. O., Tunduny, T. K. a Web-Based Application for Making Low-Cost Vacation Reservations for Tourists Using the K-Nearest Neighbors Algorithm. The International Archives of Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences 2021; 48, 67-76.
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