Implementation of a non-invasive electronic device for glucose level determination in humans

Keywords: Puncturing, Optical, Diode, Infrared Light, Solar Panels


Currently, there are invasive devices for taking blood glucose samples, which cause pain and discomfort in patients; in addition, when performing the puncture for blood sampling, it compromises the hygiene of the procedure. The device is based on the design of the optical receiver, which contains two IR diodes that function as emitter and receiver. When the infrared light emitted by the emitter passes through the human tissue, information on the glucose levels in the blood can be obtained with a margin of error of ±10% in relation to invasive devices. The data obtained by the device are displayed on an LCD screen, and sent to a mobile application where the information obtained is displayed, it also has a solar panel that serves to increase the battery usage of the device, which makes it independent. Several tests were performed with the designed device as well as with the traditional glucometer (Yuwell, model 710), for a correct validation 24 patients between young and adults were used, among them are healthy people and others suffering from diabetes; the results obtained show us that the implemented device has a percentage error of 6.96%, compared to the invasive glucometer. According to ISO 15197:2015, 95% of the measured glucose values must be within an error range of ±15 mg/dl with respect to the average of the measurements obtained with a reference procedure when dealing with blood glucose concentrations lower than 100 mg/dl; indicating that the data obtained by the implemented device are within the range of the standard. The design of a non-invasive glucometer, which has a wireless connection, facilitated sample collection, preventing the patient from going through stress and anxiety, which causes an erroneous result in the sample obtained.


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How to Cite
Moposita Saquinga, W. J., & Moposita Saquinga, J. A. (2024). Implementation of a non-invasive electronic device for glucose level determination in humans. Ciencia Huasteca Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Huejutla, 12(23), 33-41.