Post-pandemic marketing

  • Omar Cruz-Gómez Autonomous University of Hidalgo State
  • Ana Yuridia Morales-Flores Autonomous University of Hidalgo State
Keywords: Digital marketing, Covid-19, websites, digital platforms


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The sales or purchases of products and services took a worldwide round turn. Unfortunately, many SMEs were forced to close permanently. And those who were able to return, had to adapt to a new normal in order to avoid common habits such as physical contact, at all costs. For this reason, they had to create new sales strategies in order to reach the final customer. And a wave of digital marketing grew, which have already existed, but now with greater seriousness and commitment to users.


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How to Cite
Cruz-Gómez, O., & Morales-Flores, A. Y. (2021). Post-pandemic marketing. Ciencia Huasteca Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Huejutla, 9(18), 41-42.
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