Addiction to Social Networks in times of Covid: an approach from data mining

Keywords: ERA RSI test, Kmeans algorithm, Dataminig, social networks


In current times of confinement of the population as a result of the COVID pandemic, adolescents have become more vulnerable in the use of different applications on the web, among the most used are social networks. The present project aims to know the degree of addiction to social networks of high school students of the Higher School of Huejutla in times of COVID, understanding this with the levels of high, moderate and without addiction, For this the algorithm was used Kmeans within the Clustering technique. This algorithm was modeled in the WEKA tool, the methodology used is the so-called CRISP-DM. Data collection was carried out with the application of the Addiction Risk Scale Test in Social Networks (ERA-RSI). The results obtained are shown in three different clusters, one oriented to discharge, the second to moderate and a last to the population without addiction.


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How to Cite
Núñez Cárdenas, F. de J., Felipe Redondo, A. M., Guerrero-Ruiz, M., Rivera-Hernández, A., & Tomas-Mariano, V. T. (2022). Addiction to Social Networks in times of Covid: an approach from data mining. Ciencia Huasteca Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Huejutla, 10(19), 15-19.