Systematic review of the implementation of Blockchain in the education sector

Keywords: Blockchain, education sector, systematic review, Blockchain technology


This research presents a process of systematic review of the implementation of Blockchain technology in the education sector. In particular, the research focuses on identifying the applications made through Blockchain in recent years. The results show that there are opportunities for the application of technology in the education sector. In addition, the low implementation of Blockchain in the education sector, inspires to draw future lines to benefit the areas of payment management, student registration, among others mentioned at the end of the document.


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How to Cite
Mora-Zambrano, E. R., Jaramillo-Flores, P. del C., Torres-Bastidas, J. P., Vaca-Escobar, P. N., Marcillo-Vera, F., & H. Palacios, R. (2022). Systematic review of the implementation of Blockchain in the education sector. Ciencia Huasteca Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Huejutla, 10(19), 28-34.