Analysis of teaching performance in virtual environments in times of pandemic

Keywords: Virtual modality, communication, education, learning


We are currently in an environment in which both students and teachers have adapted to a new modality to receive and give education, respectively, what we now know as a virtual modality, the learning object is situated as an emerging research phenomenon for the disciplines due to the prospective that is expected of the object itself in education. The importance of why it is necessary for everyone to take ownership of this situation lies in the fact that if one does not adapt, one cannot continue to communicate and therefore cannot be informed. The objective of this project is to analyze the factors that affect virtual education in these times of COVID from the point of view of performance and teacher training. The data collection was carried out with the application of surveys to both teachers and students, fulfilling the main objective of obtaining relevant information on how the current situation is operating and what are the main tools that are being used to carry out the tasks different activities in this modality. The results obtained show two different perspectives, but it is discovered that both students and teachers in virtual education generate challenges at an affective, cognitive and pedagogical level, so it is necessary to be constantly updated with the different tools in order to provide a better online learning opportunity.


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How to Cite
Núñez Cárdenas, F. de J., Hernández-Hernández, B., H. Palacios, R., & Hernández, G. (2022). Analysis of teaching performance in virtual environments in times of pandemic. Ciencia Huasteca Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Huejutla, 10(20), 20-36.