Design of a monitoring system for early detection of diseases and surface pests in plants through artificial vision

Keywords: Artificial vision, Color classifier, Plant monitoring system


This work presents the proposal for the design and operation of a system for the early detection of diseases and/or pests in plants through artificial vision. The system operation consists of two main stages: 1) Construction of a database to store foliage images of plants with irregularities such as spots and/or holes that may be associated with the presence of fungi, parasites, or effects of water stress such as rot, drought, among others. This is through the operation of a color classifier algorithm that acts on plant foliage images that are acquired and processed under dynamic lighting environments. And, 2) Analysis of irregularities detected in the foliage under the follow-up of an inspection and interpretation protocol. To test and validate the proposal, an experimental methodology was developed that consists of analyzing the foliage of shrubs in green areas of the ESIME-ZAC of the IPN.


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How to Cite
Villasana-Montes, M. C., Hernández-Rojas, E., Palomino-Reséndiz, R. L., Maya-Gress, K. F., & Palomino-Reséndiz, S. I. (2023). Design of a monitoring system for early detection of diseases and surface pests in plants through artificial vision. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial4), 221-230.