Comparative study of sensors during waypoint navigation in quadcopter

Keywords: Optical flow, quadcopter, inertial sensors, autonomous navigation, waypoints


In flights with GPS the position of the UAV on the ground is obtained directly by the receiver which facilitates autonomous navigation. Not having an adequate signal of this sensor, mainly indoors, it is necessary to estimate the speed, distance and orientation with other types of devices such as vision systems that usually require high computational processing, or inertial systems in sensor fusion with optical flow sensors. Based on the above, a comparative analysis is proposed between the measurements obtained by the GPS, inertial sensor and optical flow sensor readings, during autonomous way-point tracking, thereby, laying the foundations for the implementation of a navigation system that uses sensor fusion and estimation of quadcopter position when GPS use is not possible.


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How to Cite
Torres-Rivera, M., Olvera-Blas, I. E., Ramón-Mendoza, A., Olivera-Barcenas, A. S., Ramírez-Villa, G., & Martin-Felipe, R. I. (2023). Comparative study of sensors during waypoint navigation in quadcopter. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial4), 171-177.

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