Electrochemical behavior of two reinforced steels embedded in mortars with and without chlorides

Keywords: Reinforced steels, mortairs, microalloyed steels, electrochemical techniques, corrosion


In this study, a steel from the NMX-B-506 standard is compared against a microalloyed steel from the NMX-B457 standard, in mortars with and without chlorides. The results of corrosion current density icorr and Electrochemical Corrosion Potential Ecorr for 80 days show that microalloyed steel has a similar electrochemical behavior to carbon steel and that both are susceptible to corrosion by chlorides. Due to their greater ductility, the use of microalloyed steels would be recommended in areas of high seismic risk


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How to Cite
Arganis-Juarez, C. R., Ramírez-González, A., Ávila-Mendoza, J., & Colás-Ortiz, R. (2023). Electrochemical behavior of two reinforced steels embedded in mortars with and without chlorides. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 11(Especial5), 174-178. https://doi.org/10.29057/icbi.v11iEspecial5.11835