Germination tests in woody species with potential for micropropagation

Germination in woody species

Keywords: culture, disinfection, pines, viability, test


Deforestation is an anthropogenic factor that alters the forests. To mitigate this phenomenon, various strategies have been proposed, one of these being in vitro propagation. In this work, species with potential for in vitro cultivation were selected by applying tests to seed lots of various species. Viability was calculated using a tetrazolium test and germination by sowing in cotton for 21 days. For in vitro culture, WP medium was used. Two disinfection protocols using NaClO were tested, as well as, five pre-germination treatments. The Pinus michoacana and Retama sphaerocarpa seeds were viable (61% and 100%). P. pseudostrobus and P. michoacana showed 43.3% and 40% germination. There was total contamination applying Protocol 1, Protocol 2 reduced it to 20-40%. Of the pre-germination treatments, only the stratification showed effectiveness. It is concluded that P. michoacana is a species with potential for in vitro culture.


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How to Cite
Yáñez-Islas, I. A., & Galván-Hernández, D. M. (2024). Germination tests in woody species with potential for micropropagation. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(23), 98-103.

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