Experimental modal analysis in a prototype of the semi-wing of an airplane using low-cost equipment

Keywords: Experimental Modal Analysis, low-cost equipment, Peak-picking method


This article proposes the formation and evaluation of a system to obtain dynamic characteristics (natural frequencies and peak amplitude) in teaching structures, under the principles of Experimental Modal Analysis (EMA), making a comparison with professional equipment for demonstrate its reliability. Applied to a simple representation of the assembly between the torque box and the main beam of the semi-wing of an airplane, a MEMS capacitive accelerometer model ADXL335 is integrated as a data acquisition sensor, a linear solenoid controlled by an Arduino Uno for the excitation of the structure, an Arduino Due as a data acquisition card and finally Matlab and Excel for the intelligent treatment of the same and obtaining the remaining variables of the vibration modes (damping and modal constant) applying the Peak-picking method.


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How to Cite
Rufino-Arteaga, O. E., & García-Pérez, O. A. (2024). Experimental modal analysis in a prototype of the semi-wing of an airplane using low-cost equipment. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 12(24). Retrieved from https://repository.uaeh.edu.mx/revistas/index.php/icbi/article/view/12313