Mathematical model of Nonexistence of Labour Market Theory: Approximation to Feminist Economics

Keywords: Women economics, Feminist economics, NLMT, Productive labour, Reproductive labour.


NLMT develops a microfundamented model as a contribution to the woman´s economics, which concludes in the importance of gender for market allocations, since agents have different economic behaviors. This research work seeks to raise those ideas in which the NLMT has coincided with other theoretical developments that, in particular, contribute to the field of study of feminist economics: essentially, the ideas of the New Family Economy are raised, the Neoclassical feminism (both studies built in the light of the dominant theory), as well as feminism Marxism and feminist economics as such. Based on the explanation of the TIMT model and the theoretical discussion, a test is shown to analyze the differences between men and women with data for Mexico in 2018.


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How to Cite
Licona, M. S. (2020). Mathematical model of Nonexistence of Labour Market Theory: Approximation to Feminist Economics. Pädi Boletín Científico De Ciencias Básicas E Ingenierías Del ICBI, 8(15), 47-55.