Ichthyoplankton community in Coyuca de Benitez lagoon, Guerrero, Mexico.

Keywords: Ichthioplankton,, lagoon,, mangroves,, abundance


The importance of ichthyoplanktonic studies lies in providing basic elements for the management and sustainable use of fishing resources. The objective of this work was to determine the structure of the ichthyoplanktonic community in the Coyuca lagoon during an annual cycle, monthly samplings were carried out in four seasons, a standard 500 µm conical mesh was used to obtain the samples. The ichthyoplankton composition was characterized through ecological attributes: Shannon diversity index, uniformity index, species richness and the biological value index (IVB). A total of 2673 fish larvae were collected, belonging to nine families, eleven genres and eight species, the most abundant genre being Lile, representing 74.17 % of the total abundance. The temporal abundance presented significant differences between the months analyzed (p<0.05), spatially a higher concentration of fish larvae was reflected in the mangrove areas. The present investigation reflected monthly variations related to the climatic period, spatially the mangroves correspond to high productivity sites conducive to the development and survival of fish larvae.


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How to Cite
Mariano-Benitez, M. de los A., Flores-Rodríguez, P., Ruíz-Campos, G., Torreblanca-Ramírez, C., Padilla-Serrato, J. G., & Almazán-Núñez, R. C. (2023). Ichthyoplankton community in Coyuca de Benitez lagoon, Guerrero, Mexico. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 9(Especial), 29-35. https://doi.org/10.29057/est.v9iEspecial.11468