Use of regular expressions as a tool for identifying and correcting spelling / grammar in Spanish

Keywords: Regular expressions, natural language processing, disortography, spelling / grammar of Spanish


The learning of a language requires the presence of someone who has better command of the language in question, so that it is the latter who can provide feedback to the language learner about the errors discussed. However, it is possible to use technology to make the language learning process efficient, mainly when there are digital communication tools that cause users to use different words, emoticons, images and / or abbreviations that would make it difficult to understand the language of any apprentice. These vices are committed more frequently by young people who are the main consumers of the media. That is why it is proposed that it is through Natural Language Processing tools, such as the Regular Expressions, that allow defining an alternative to perform the syntactic and grammatical analysis of messages sent through digital communication media with the objective of providing an alternative that allows the user to be informed that he is making a spelling / grammar error in the Spanish language.


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How to Cite
Solis Galindo, A. E., & Lezama León, E. (2019). Use of regular expressions as a tool for identifying and correcting spelling / grammar in Spanish. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 5(9), 6-11.