Interactive Technologies in the Teotihuacan Archeologic Zone

Keywords: Interactive technologies, learning, interactive museums, Teotihuacán archeological zone


Currently, technologies are being applied to different fields of research, among them is learning, within this area, technologies seek to understand how it is that human bei0ngs learn and how they are more likely to retain the information; All these advances have been applied in places such as museums, these are referred to as "cultural spaces dedicated to the collection of pieces of heritage value for a region", this coupled with the technological innovations that have emerged in the area of ​​learning.Spaces called “Interactive Museums” with the support of technologies are emerging, seeking to provide information in a more attractive way for visitors, currently there are several cases and every day, due to the success generated in recent decades: That is why with this research It seeks to know how much is the impact that interactive technologies would have on the visitor and what activities would be successful in retaining information if they were applied to a cultural space that is not a museum, this is how it is proposed to the Archaeological Zone of Teotihuacán as a study space for a proposal for the implementation of interactive technologies in favor of learning the place, this because of the great value it has as a world heritage site and the lack of information and care suffered by the Area.


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How to Cite
Espíritu Vargas, M., Martínez Estrada, D., & Nolasco, M. A. V. (2020). Interactive Technologies in the Teotihuacan Archeologic Zone . Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 6(11), 1-7.