Tourism Policy: An approach from communicative action to the promotion of the State of Hidalgo

Keywords: Tourism, Public policy, Communicative action, Promotion


The objective of this work is to identify trends in tourism promotion in the State of Hidalgo, therefore, the design of a strategic proposal for qualitative analysis in the functions related to public policy is addressed, linked to programmatic aspects as axes of application regarding the promotion and marketing of tourism products and services, with the aim of positioning it as a destination of wide preference and demand in the different market segments in the national context, from the identification and iconographic and psychographic correlation, among consumers and the tourism sector, through the methodological theory of communicative action, oriented as a principle of society that strives to give reason to the critical canons it makes use of (Habermas, 2008), seen from the objective world, which consists in all entities about which true statements can be made, the social world, from the r Legitimately regulated interpersonal relationships in the field of economics, politics and the State. Thus, in order to establish a holistic vision, the systems approach is also used, considering the models of tourism knowledge, tracing propositional transformations through measures used by the state tourism policy. Therefore, it is concluded in highlighting the importance implied by the articulation of the governmental organic structure by contributing actions that make possible the execution of guiding policies aimed at promoting.


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Author Biography

Lilia Zizumbo-Villarreal , Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México
Research Professor at the Faculty of Gastronomy and Tourism of the UAEM. 81 Publications. SNI 2,
has a PRODEP profile. Graduated in Tourism and Master in Sociology from the Autonomous
University of the State of Mexico, Doctor in Sociology from the National Autonomous University
of Mexico. She is currently a professor - researcher at the Faculty of Tourism and Gastronomy
of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. He has participated in more than 20 international
and national congresses. He has advised more than 27 undergraduate, 19 master's and 9 doctorate projects.
Research Line Environmental Studies of tourism. Sociocultural studies of tourism Community,
social economy and Tourism for local development in rural communities. Tourism as an axis of
accumulation and factor
of transformation of the landscape. Sustainability, Tourism and Hegemony. Distinctions:
of the SIN from Level II PROMEP Profile from 2002 to date Relevant publications:
Libros Zizumbo, L., and Monterroso, N., (2015). The capitalist configuration of tourist
landscapes, Toluca, Mexico: Ed. Eón, S.A. Zizumbo, L., and Monterroso, N., (2017). Rethinking
sustainable tourism, Toluca, Mexico: Ediciones Eón, S.A. Book chapters Zizumbo, L., (2017).
The new configuration of the rural environment in Mexico: social capital and community tourism.
In K. Toledo, I. Elesbao and M. de Souza (Ed). Or rural community tourism as a development
strategy. Porto Alegre, Brazil: Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul.


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How to Cite
Flores-Amador , C., & Zizumbo-Villarreal , L. (2021). Tourism Policy: An approach from communicative action to the promotion of the State of Hidalgo. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 6(12), 27-37.