Emotional Tiredness related to Perceived Stress during E-learning in high school students.

Keywords: emotional tiredness, stress, E-learning


The objective of the present study was to determine the prevalence of Emotional Tiredness (CE) before Stress in high school students. The study corresponded to a quantitative, descriptive and cross-sectional investigation. The total number of students (n = 100) from five groups from 1st to 6th semester belonging to Preparatory Schools of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo were counted, obtaining a response level of 63% (n = 63). The Emotional Tiredness Scale (ECE) of Ramos, Magas & Morán (2005) and the Perceived Stress Scale (SPS) Cohen, Kamarak, and Mermelstein (1983) were used and validated. As main findings, a significant high correlation was detected between perceived stress in recent months with emotional exhaustion.



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How to Cite
Alvarez Oviedo , X., Lara Abad, G. E., & Sánchez Flores, F. I. (2022). Emotional Tiredness related to Perceived Stress during E-learning in high school students. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 7(14), 27-30. https://doi.org/10.29057/est.v7i14.8071