Tourist Corridors in the State of Hidalgo and the Degrees of Social Lag

Keywords: Tourist corridor,, social lag, ourist attraction


The tourist corridors in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico, arise with the purpose of improving the competitiveness of tourist destinations in the entity but above all as a strategy to improve the living conditions of the tourist receiving localities, this because tourist activity is a topic that is traditionally analyzed from an eminently economic point of view, that is, as an activity that generates income, in this sense the purpose of this work is to analyze the conformation in its structure of tourist corridors in the State and determine the relationship it has with social backwardness, for this a classification of tourist attractions by category and type is carried out, later the degrees of social backwardness are identified to link them with the delimitation of tourist corridors and determine if this classification can be seen as a trigger for development.


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How to Cite
Velasco Álvarez, L. V. (2023). Tourist Corridors in the State of Hidalgo and the Degrees of Social Lag . Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 8(16), 47-61.