Structural equation modelling of commitment in the COVID-19 era

Keywords: COVID-19, Commitment, Public Policies, Health Sector, Social Work


Given that Social Work is immersed in public policies and social programs that are aimed at vulnerable, marginalized or excluded groups, it is necessary to analyse its commitment considering its relationship with management for the treatment of diseases and rehabilitation in institutions of the health sector. In this sense, the objective of this study was to establish the reliability and validity of an instrument that measures work commitment (22 items out of a total of 35) in the health sector. For this purpose, a non-probabilistic sample of 125 social work professionals with experience in the implementation of social programs and monitoring of institutional strategies for health promotion was used. Normality (kurtosis = 7.272), reliability (alpha = .673) and validity (KMO = .875; X 2 = 12.156; 11gl; p = .000) of the scale that measured work commitment were established. A reflective structural model was established in which commitment to the institution was positively related to work commitment (β = .91). The fit and residual indices corroborated the multidimensionality hypothesis of work commitment (GFI = .975; NFI = .975, CFI = .985, RMSEA = .009). Considering the findings put forward, the scope and limits of the study were discussed.


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How to Cite
García Lirios, C., & Sánchez Sánchez, A. (2024). Structural equation modelling of commitment in the COVID-19 era. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 10(19), 46-54.