Teaching Mathematics during the confinement due to COVID-19.

Keywords: Attitudes, beliefs, teaching, mathematics, COVID-19


Learning mathematics has been, for some students, an impediment to the success of their academic goals; so that it has transcended and is established as an emotional and cognitive obstacle. What the student experiences, observes, believes, the way in which he perceives teaching from the teacher, and the conception of this discipline within the environment where it develops (family nucleus), directly affects how he conceives learning. The present work aims to analyze, based on the theory of cognitivism, the affective dimension and its relationship with the teaching-learning of mathematics during the confinement by COVID-19. The main results obtained show that mathematical literacy must be formed in our students so that day can develop mathematical logical thinking that will help them apply what they have learned in class in their daily lives.



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“Las matemáticas se han convertido, dentro del currículo escolar, en una de las materias más temidas, asociadas, comúnmente a sentimiento de rechazo, además, es una de las disciplinas que presenta menor rendimiento escolar. Lo anterior ha propiciado una imagen social negativa en torno a ellas, transmitida de una generación a otra”. (Gamboa, 2014, p.118).
How to Cite
Quinto Ríos, C. Y., & Bolaños Rodríguez, E. (2022). Teaching Mathematics during the confinement due to COVID-19. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 8(Especial), 77-83. https://doi.org/10.29057/est.v8iEspecial.9986