Public transport trip planner using the GTFS standard

Keywords: Trip planner, GTFS, Public transport, Urban mobility


Nowadays, the design and planning of road layouts in modern cities represents a great challenge. In addition, the massive use of public transportation and the current complexity of the different routes that operate in cities has caused citizens to require help when planning a trip. This problem is addressed by various software systems that allow citizens to reach a destination using a private car, such as Waze or Google Maps. Although these systems are of great help to end users, they have the disadvantage of being closed systems owned by a company. This means that it is not possible for developers who wish to create mobility applications to reuse these resources. Currently, many transportation agencies use GTFS (General Transit Feed Specification) data as the standard format for publishing their data. In this paper we present a trip planner, which uses the standard GTFS format. We present this planner using the case study of Mexico City.


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How to Cite
Martínez-Rebollar, A., Ruíz Gutiérrez, C. A., Estrada Esquivel, H., & Hernández Pérez, Y. (2022). Public transport trip planner using the GTFS standard. Boletín Científico INVESTIGIUM De La Escuela Superior De Tizayuca, 8(Especial), 102-110.