Quality of life assessment of adolescent secondary school students from Potosí
Quality of Life (QOL) and Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL) are essential concepts for understanding the well-being of individuals, particularly during adolescence, which is a crucial transitional stage in the lives of human beings. The assessment of QOL supports us in gaining a comprehensive understanding of well-being and development at various stages of life. Assessing QOL in adolescents allows researchers and health professionals to understand the specific dynamics of this population. Method. The present study assessed QOL in adolescents from technical high schools in vulnerable areas of San Luis Potosí. The Kidscreen-52 scale (KS-52) was used to probe physical, emotional and social aspects, as well as risk factors. A total of 797 students (50% male, 50% female) between 11 and 15 years of age from two technical high schools participated in the study. Of the sample, 35.94% were first year students, 38.39% were second year students and 26.47% were third year students. Results. Statistical differences were found for internal factors (t=5.87; gl 795; p < .001) between males and females, with lower scores in the latter. Likewise, greater vulnerability was observed in the first and third grades (F= 3.076; p = 0.047). In both subsamples, the relevance of socioeconomic status and parental and family relationship as external factors predominates, and physical and psychological well-being, self-perception and autonomy as internal factors. Conclusions. The findings of the present work support the importance of approaching adolescent QOL from a comprehensive perspective, considering both internal and external factors that influence their overall well-being.
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