Physics and fiction


For lovers of Physics, Mathematics and Fiction Literature, a highly recommended option is this book entitled "Physics and Fiction" by Jesús Carlos Ruiz Suárez. Sometimes a description of the natural world as it is, as it is to do theoretical physics, it is not always within reach of the physicist to explain reality, but making fiction of it can make it understandable and even sometimes predictable. This book consists of a series of stories that address the emotions of some very special characters, scientists, who are beings of flesh and bone like any human being (Newton, Albert Einstein, Emmanuel Kant, Marie Curie, Feyman, Leon Foucault, etc). The author ventures into a very imaginative narrative, with moments of insight, surprise and amazement. It is an invitation to enter a world in which the imaginary and the real are linked. These stories are an exciting and precise invitation to take a first step into a universe of physics and literature. This bibliographic material is aimed at all types of audiences, despite school education, sometimes they have been made to believe the People that the arts are almost an antonym for science, this book addresses two unique ways where man can express himself and understand life that are physics and literature.


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Ruiz, S. J. C., (2018), Física y Ficción, Anillos de Luna, Cd de México: México.

How to Cite
Ortiz-Domínguez , M. (2019). Physics and fiction. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 6(12), 104. Retrieved from

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