Teaching paradigms

Keywords: learning, paradigms, approach, internet


Changing paradigms in the teaching-learning process is a complex task due to the various ways in which knowledge is transmitted in a virtual environment, in this scenario, it is necessary to know the learning styles of students and based on them, develop didactic strategies collaborative work and availability to face challenges that allow students to acquire specific skills, generating meaningful and useful learning for their professional practice is essential in a virtual setting.


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Henry, M. (2021). Los sesgos como obstáculos pedagógicos. [online], from https://www.semana.com/educacion/articulo/henry-murrain-las-expectativas-de-los-docentes/537698/

Idiáquez García, T. (2021). La educación en la nueva normalidad: cambiando paradigmas. Heraldodemexico.com.mx., from https://heraldodemexico.com.mx/opinion/2020/12/4/la-educacion-en-la-nueva-normalidad-cambiando-paradigmas-232093.html.

Rodríguez, J., (2021). El aprendizaje online en la nueva normalidad, ¿una oportunidad para la inteligencia artificial? [online] Thinking for Innovation. Available at: https://www.iebschool.com/blog/aprendizaje-online-nueva-normalidad/

How to Cite
Cruz-Domínguez , J. M., & Sauza, B. (2021). Teaching paradigms. Ingenio Y Conciencia Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Ciudad Sahagún, 8(16), 64-65. https://doi.org/10.29057/escs.v8i16.7038

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