Ergonomic Essentials

  • Juan Javier Olarte Gamboa Escuela Superior de Tepeji del Rio
Keywords: Discipline, mprove, quality, relationship


Ergonomics is a discipline that studies the interaction between man, machine and the environment where activities of physical or mental effort are made, the main objective of ergonomics is that human beings perform in the best conditions in their work environment, facilitating the activities to be carried out and improving the environmental conditions, with health purposes and improving the quality of life of human beings in labor issues mainly. This has repercussions in the development of the organizations since the workers, being in A suitable environment they feel more comfortable to perform and can more easily adopt a sense of belonging to the organization. Recently technology plays a very important role for this discipline since with technological advances it is easier to find well-adapted sites with the best facilities, furniture and equipment to improve the man-machine-environment relationship


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Hernández, P. J. (2001). ERGONOMÍA. SU APLICACIÓN EN SALUD OCUPACIONAL. Recuperado el 2001

Leirós, L. I. (2009). Historia de la Ergonomía, o de cómo la Ciencia. revista de historia de la psicología.

Pedro R. Mondelo, E. G. (09 de 1999). © Los autores, 1999; © Edicions UPC, 1999. Recuperado el 09 de 1999, de © Los autores, 1999; © Edicions UPC, 1999. trabajo, i. n. (08 de 2000).
How to Cite
Olarte Gamboa, J. J. (2019). Ergonomic Essentials. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 6(11), 70-73.
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