Importance of early growth in kids

  • Sergio Hernández Rincón Escuela Superior de Tepeji del Rio
  • Luz Vizcaíno Pérez Escuela Superior de Tepeji del Rio
  • Brenda Barrón Gómez Escuela Superior de Tepeji del Rio
  • Abril Muñoz Vega Escuela Superior de Tepeji del Rio
Keywords: Early stimulation, evaluation of child development, kids


It is recommended that people (especially parents) keep in mind that early stimulation in children's preferable ages 0 - 5 years is applied, since the majority of brain development takes place until the child reaches 3 years, at the same While proliferate child neurons and synapses establishes new connections at high speed, children acquire the ability to think, talk, learn, reason, and established the foundations of social and biological behaviors that would mark it throughout adult life. During the first years of life, environmental factors and stimuli acquire great importance, if they are suitable, the nervous system will be held in better conditions. Since this prevents the wrong diagnosis or even late of diseases like mental retardation among others and help better coexistence and adaptation. By the above and considering that the test of evaluation of child development (EDI); It is the set of actions aimed at promoting physical, mental and social capabilities of the child, it is necessary to use in the prevention of delay in psychomotor development, diagnosing, curing and rehabilitating suitably for children to achieve the best development of the potentials of the individual, should be detected that your child has delayed their development.


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Santrock, J. (2006). Psicología del desarrollo, el ciclo vital. (10a. Edición). México: Mc. Graw Hill, págs. 1-20
Unidad de Investigación en Neurodesarrollo (UIN) .(2013)
How to Cite
Hernández Rincón, S., Vizcaíno Pérez, L., Barrón Gómez, B., & Muñoz Vega, A. (2019). Importance of early growth in kids. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 6(11), 46-48.