Importance of emotional intelligence and its impact on the life of higher education students

Keywords: Emotional intelligence, emotions, university, education, stress


The main purpose of this work focuses on the great importance that emotional intelligence has gained in recent years and the way, that Goleman (1996) indicates, the union of reason and emotion is essential to understand the development of human intelligence. Moreover, various studies show the importance of developing emotional competencies in the educational context, and more specifically in university students, in our work pretends to make clear in the first instance the relationship stress and emotions, later we present a summary from a physiological view of how the body responds to emotions. We will approach the elements that make up emotional intelligence, all this in order to be able to contribute to the importance and attention that is currently paid to emotional education in high institutions: its value for the life and training of students and for its success. personal and professional.


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How to Cite
Alegría Alegría, M., & Sánchez Zúñiga, D. M. (2020). Importance of emotional intelligence and its impact on the life of higher education students. TEPEXI Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior Tepeji Del Río, 7(14), 20-25.