Neural Basis of Emotional Regulation in Adolescents. Narrative review

Keywords: brain maturation, puberty, emotional processes, adolescence, neurobiology


The objective of this manuscript was to carry out a narrative review of the neural bases of the adolescent emotional brain and its implications for behavior, as well as the disciplines that frame this relationship between emotion and behavior. The procedure searched databases such as PUBMED, ScienceDirect, SciELO, Redalyc, and Google Scholar. Word combinations with Booleans (AND and OR) were used in English and Spanish; the terms used were Neurodevelopment, Adolescents, Executive Functions, and Emotional Regulation. The literature shows that the adolescent emotional brain is guided by the development of subcortical areas over cortical areas in the early stages of adolescence, a situation that changes by the end of it. This change is manifested with modifications at functional and structural levels, which lead to the modulation of reactivity and impulsiveness characteristic of the adolescent stage to a largely controlled process of the emotional and behavioral area.


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How to Cite
Rueda Léon, L. V., Orozco Calderón, G., Valencia-Ortiz, A. I., & Rodríguez Servín, M. (2024). Neural Basis of Emotional Regulation in Adolescents. Narrative review. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 12(24), 33-39.