The reflections of society: attempting to understand the paradox of "mental health"

Keywords: Mental health, psychological well-being, social well-being, normality, abnormality, social control


In his book Normality, psychic conflict, social control. Society, mental health, and illness, Enrique Guinsberg questions the definition of mental health. While some institutes and specialized organizations propose a broad understanding that encompasses psychological, physical, and social well-being, Guinsberg argues that this proposal is idealized and does not reflect the complexity of real life. The author discusses the impact that disturbances in physical health, poverty, and psychological problems have on mental health. Additionally, he analyzes how throughout history, the terms "normality" and "madness" have been used to perpetuate power structures, and he reflects on the relevance of professionals and institutions in this particular context.


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Guinsberg, E. (1996). Normalidad, conflicto psíquico, control social. Sociedad, salud y enfermedad mental. (2ª ed.). Editorial Plaza y Valdéz.

How to Cite
Limón Velázquez, A. (2024). The reflections of society: attempting to understand the paradox of "mental health". Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 12(24), 92-93.