Values – attributes Needed to Make to Decisions in Health, from the Eseential Functions of Public Health

  • J Cruz-Olvera Instituto Elise Freinet
Keywords: Values-attributes, governmental decisions, corruption, anti-values, essential functions of public health, quality of health care


Public health functions are understood as the set of actions that must be carried out with the necessary purposes for the achievement of improving the health of the populations. The objective was to analyze the values ​​and attributes such as honesty, knowledge, passion and social sensitivity from the execution of the essential functions of public health in our country, which were decreed by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in 1997. In conclusion, the quality of work based on values, honesty, knowledge, passion and social sensitivity are deficient derived from anti-corruption corruption so that in addition to the execution of essential public health functions in our country is limited, the same quality of poor health.


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(1) Hernández Medina Miriam Selene, Hernández Serrano Carolina, López González Ana Laura, Barragán López Norma, Islas Vega Irasema, Mariela Lizbeth Cobián Díaz, Reynoso Vázquez Josefina, Ruvalcaba Ledezma Jesús Carlos. Values-attributes Needed to Make Decisions in Health, from the Essential Functions of Public Health. American Journal of Public Health Research, vol. 5 (5): 154-158
How to Cite
Cruz-Olvera, J. (2018). Values – attributes Needed to Make to Decisions in Health, from the Eseential Functions of Public Health. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 7(13), 13-15.