Prevalence of retained canines in patients who attend ICSa

Keywords: Canine, retained tooth, prevalence, eruptive disorder, orthodontics


Introduction: Retained teeth are those that are partially or fully developed and housed inside the jaws. Different studies mention that canines, after third molars, show a higher prevalence in presenting retention. Justification: The canine is considered an important dental organ for shaping the facial massif. The correct position helps the contour and aesthetic appearance of the face, its loss will lead to facial alteration, deficiency in the development of the dental arch and inadequate occlusion. No studies have been found in the state of Hidalgo on the behavior of this dental organ, therefore, the following questioning is an important reason. What is the prevalence of retained permanent canines and damage to adjacent teeth on 250 panoramic and cephalic radiographs of patients who attend dental care at the orthodontics clinics of AAO ICSa? Objective: To determine the prevalence of canines retained in the upper jaw and alterations caused to adjacent dental organs. Methodology: Descriptive cross-sectional study in 250 panoramic and cephalic radiographs of patients from 8 to 25 years of age. Results: 250 panoramic and cephalic were drawn, 153 (61.2%) were female and 97 (38.8%) male. The prevalence of retained canines was 62.6% (n = 313). 15.6% (n = 78) presented a dilated root shape and curve that represents an unfavorable risk of eruption, 14.8% (n = 74) presented a mesioangular position and 1% (n = 5) in a mesiohorizontal position. The damage to adjacent dental organs was 6.6% (n = 33), with the most affected being the lateral incisor with 4% (n = 20). Conclusions: Timely detection of canine rash will allow preventive or interceptive diagnosis and treatment avoiding damage to adjacent teeth, improving patient occlusion and facial aesthetics.


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How to Cite
Mendoza Rodríguez, M., Rodríguez Sierra, O., Medina Solis, C. E., Márquez Corona, M. de L., Jiménez Gayosso, S. I., & Veras Hernández, M. A. (2020). Prevalence of retained canines in patients who attend ICSa. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 8(16), 14-19.