“Check yourself, measure yourself, move yourself”. Just reporting is not enough for better health

Just reporting is not enough for better health

Keywords: Non-communicable diseases, diabetes, check yourself measure yourself move yourself


The federal government's strategy to prevent and control the number of cases of overweight, obesity, and diabetes mellitus among mexicans, failed to achieve its goals despite the million-dollar investment in the mass media; the program “Check yourself, measure yourself, move yourself” from its inception it lacked performance indicators, it was not supported by medical evidence, it lacked validated instruments, it had serious deficiencies in its implementation and far from decreasing the number of cases, in fact, the prevalence of these conditions increased, the conclusions issued by the Superior Audit of Federation was demonstrated widely and this led to the definitive cancellation of the advertising strategy yourself “Check yourself, measure yourself, move yourself” and questioning preventive programs such as “prevenIMSS”. Mexico today has more obese, diabetic and hypertensive patients than before the implementation of such strategies and with fewer financial resources to combat the excessive growth of non-communicable diseases, therefore the relevance of designing a new national strategy against obesity and diabetes based on the impact indicators of internationally validated programs, which have proven their effectiveness in managing these conditions through the implementation of randomized clinical trials endorsed by the WHO.


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How to Cite
León Hernández, R. C., De León Escobedo, R., Peñarrieta De Córdova, M. I., & Medrano Ortega, M. Y. (2020). “Check yourself, measure yourself, move yourself”. Just reporting is not enough for better health. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 8(16), 48-54. https://doi.org/10.29057/icsa.v8i16.5644