Mesquite as an ergogenic aid for high-performance athletes in intermittent sports. Systematic review.

Keywords: Mesquite, Polyphenols, Sport performance, Exercise-induced inflammation


High-performance athletes are constantly subjected to demanding loads of physical effort, for which reason ergogenic aids are often used to improve energy production, sports performance, body composition and / or enhance physiological adaptations to training. There are several studies about supplementation with polyphenols in foods such as berries, citrus fruits and cocoa; where its positive effect on performance has been demonstrated. However, there are other resources that will have significant content of these molecular complexes; an example of this is mesquite. Extracts obtained from the husk, pods, pollen and leaves of mesquite plants have been found to possess important phenolic compounds. However, the bibliography and research on the use of this plant in sports is scarce, therefore, the objective of this review is to know the properties and benefits of mesquite, to evaluate its effect on the physiological phenomena raised in intermittent sports and its feasibility of use as an ergogenic aid.

A systematic review was carried out divided into three topics: 1) Mesquite ("Composition of mesquite AND Mexico", "Mesquite AND polyphenols", "Mesquite AND exercise"), 2) Polyphenols ("Polyphenols AND inflammation AND sport OR exercise", Ergogenic aids AND polyphenols”) and 3) Exercise-induced inflammation (“ Sport performance AND intermittent sport AND inflammation ”, “Intermittent exercise AND inflammation AND muscle performance AND damage ”) From which a total of 33 articles were obtained, and after a Second review 16 of them were identified and analyzed. It was concluded that mesquite is a potentially profitable natural resource to be used as an ergogenic aid; being mesocarp flour and mesquite seed which have an important content of polyphenols and antioxidant capacity; This composition favors the reduction of oxidative stress, the attenuation of muscle pain, and the reduction of post-exercise recovery time. In view of all the benefits attributed to the composition of mesquite, but the limited evidence of the effects of its consumption, this review reveals that more research is needed on its use in sports.


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How to Cite
Reséndiz-Trejo, J., Ramírez-Moreno, E., Ariza-Ortega, J. A., & Ortíz-Polo, A. (2020). Mesquite as an ergogenic aid for high-performance athletes in intermittent sports. Systematic review. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 9(17), 116-124.