The Medical Cost of Depression

Keywords: depression, illness, suffering, diagnosis


Depression is a frequent mental disorder, characterized by the presence of sadness, among other symptoms, which has a great influence and presence in patients who have suffered, have been diagnosed or overcome a disease, either partial or chronic. . Which has a great influence on the development or suffering of depression in such situations. The objective is to determine how this event affects or damages the patients and how they face this mental situation, in order to cope with their illness and to be able to recover the homeostasis of their optimal health.


Depression, illness, suffering, diagnosis


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San Molina, L. (2010). Comprender la Depresión (1.a ed.). Amat Editorial.

World Health Organization. (2017, 23 febrero). Depresión. Organización Mundial de la Salud.

How to Cite
Barrera Gálvez, R., Albino-Rodríguez , F. J., Arias-Rico , J., Solano-Pérez , C. T., Chávez-Flores , O. R., & Samperio- Pelcastre , G. (2021). The Medical Cost of Depression. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 9(18), 54-56.