Consolidation process; Delay and Pseudoarthrosis.

Keywords: Fracture, Consolidation, Pseudoarthrosis, Treatment, Delay in consolidation., Fracture, Consolidation, Pseudoarthrosis, Treatment, Delay in Consolidation


The bone consolidation process is a topic of interest in the area of ​​traumatology and orthopedics due to the constant incidence of fractures; so that the presence of various factors can lead to a delay in consolidation resulting in bone alteration. Being the delay in consolidation one of the main complications that occurs in fractures, so there are various theories of its etiology, with an inadequate vascularization of bone fragments at the fracture site, and the presence of excess movement in the affected region.

This study is based on updated scientific review sources where it is intended to make known how the consolidation process is carried out, therefore; the environmental, chemical, mechanical or genetic factors involved, as they could trigger a failure in bone healing; In this way, we can introduce ourselves to the study of the most common pathologies such as delayed consolidation and pseudoarthrosis. Make known the sites of injury with the highest prevalence, based on this help to take data to be able to provide a more precise and effective approach and treatment; to achieve effective function of the affected limb.


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How to Cite
Hernandez Rosalio, L. (2021). Consolidation process; Delay and Pseudoarthrosis. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(19), 173-178.