George Herbert Mead: sobre el gesto como inicio de la interacción social y el desarrollo de las interacciones sociales saludables

  • M. García Meraz Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Mead, gesture, pragmatism, symbolic, social action.


The paper explores, in a general way, some of the thesis relate to gesture and social action through George Herbert Mead´s theory. The concepts of social action, gesture, other generalized, and comprehension take relevant importance in the discussion related to social interaction. The exposition begins with an example of an interaction in the everyday life: Which social and cultural patterns interfere in the comprehension of this kind of interactions? How can we “read” behavioral intentions, even though the gestures and without formal language? For Mead, the answer is in the symbolic character of gestures and how can they tell us something more than just emotions, instead, gestures allow the beginning of social interaction. The most important is that Gestures —as part of symbolic communication— are previous to formal language. In this line of argumentation, even the thought is a social concept and has his origin in the social world. This argumentation allows him to go forward mentalist postulates and philosophy of consciousness and follow a socio cultural thesis.


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How to Cite
García Meraz, M. (2013). George Herbert Mead: sobre el gesto como inicio de la interacción social y el desarrollo de las interacciones sociales saludables. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 2(3).