Return to work in the covid-19 pandemic

Keywords: Labor Re-incorporation, Covid-19 Pandemic, Strategies


Labor re-incorporation must have certain characteristics in contemporary times with the Covid-19 pandemic, comply with the safety of workers in order to be effective and safe for health, current strategies must be adopted for the implementation of security protocols with measures engineering, labor and administrative organization, aimed at ensuring the quality of its result and adaptation of the staff. The objective of this work is to publicize the information available through a rigorous analysis in order to be able to make a return to work in any institution that so wishes and to propose a strategy on how to adapt said security measures. A documentary review was carried out in different sources such as Google Scholar, Dialnet, analyzing and compiling information pertinent to the topic of interest. 8 specific documents on the Covid pandemic and the labor area were analyzed, of which 4 met the requirements to be able to adapt to Mexico. A proposed strategy is provided to be followed to be able to carry out a work reintegration run adapted to the personnel while maintaining the quality of their safety.


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How to Cite
Apolonio Martínez, E. (2021). Return to work in the covid-19 pandemic. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(19), 278-281.