Impact of the consumer society on the anthropometry of populations and the importance of its analysis in the prevention of occupational risks

Keywords: Health, anthropometry, consumerism, workers


In the origins of human variation, the environment plays an important role, which includes not only climate and ecosystems, but also culture, society and lifestyles. The era of consumption continues to impact the health of populations, reaching biological levels such as anthropometry; causing different demographic patterns between countries, regions or neighborhoods and social inequalities. Due to this, anthropometry shows the imprint of income, health and environmental factors not only of that age but also of previous years. With the advent of industrialization, individuals were discriminated against based on appearance and size, which led to their dimensional (anthropometric) standardization and the exclusion and segregation of workers based on their strength and size. The analysis of anthropometric data plays a crucial role in the prevention of occupational risks, since it allows an adequate design of machines, equipment and work spaces. Likewise, they determine the adaptability and efficiency of the design of jobs, machinery, tools, personal protective equipment and clothing for work in the population for which it is being designed.


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How to Cite
Ron, M. (2022). Impact of the consumer society on the anthropometry of populations and the importance of its analysis in the prevention of occupational risks. Educación Y Salud Boletín Científico Instituto De Ciencias De La Salud Universidad Autónoma Del Estado De Hidalgo, 10(20), 38-41.