Patient's rights in the bioethical context
The doctor-patient relationship is equal. However, the patient, due to his illness and ignorance of medical science, can be placed in a vulnerable situation that requires specific protection for the protection of his legal rights. Therefore, in different legal and ethical standards, the rights of patients are recognized to limit the actions of health personnel, to avoid transgressing their dignity in an unjustified affectation of their autonomy.
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Tamayo, C. T., Barajas, E. R., González, J. M. S., Cisneros, A. E. R., Barragán, G. M., Lee, G. R. M., ... & Vázquez, A. M. (2002). Derechos de los pacientes en México. Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, 40(6), 523-529.
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