Health research in vulnerable groups in Mexico

Keywords: Bioethics, Vulnerable groups, Research in humans, Legislation


Research for health in humans has medical, legal and bioethical implications. By virtue of its nature and scope, it has a special legal regulation, particularly in the norms of Health Law. As it has medical and bioethical implications, various principles have consequently been pronounced by medical organizations, including international organizations, embodied in Declarations; They constitute ethical principles of the medical discipline and must be observed in terms of the lex artis. One of the modalities of research for health is that which is carried out in vulnerable groups. The term vulnerability is applicable to population groups that, due to their age, sex, marital status and ethnic origin, are in a condition of risk that prevents them from joining development and accessing better welfare conditions. Given its bioethical and legal significance, at least three principles have been established, namely respect, beneficence and justice. The provisions governing research in vulnerable groups are in no case discriminatory, but rather, they seek to protect their rights.


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