Bioethic principals for researching and health attention for trans woman
The name of transgender woman is given to that person whose sex assigned at birth is not consistent with their gender identity or expression. Mexico occupies the second place in transfeminicides. Furthermore, the acts of violence and discrimination, also afflict this group and can be related to negative perceptions towards trans women. On the other hand, health care for trans women turns out to be inadequate because it does not cover their needs. Likewise, within the field of research in Mexico, studies that focus on trans women are scarce. Based on the aforementioned, it is evident that this population remains in a vulnerable state, and it infers incongruously in the bioethical principles that should cover this group. For this reason, bioethics is the branch of ethics that aims to provide dignified and humanized treatment of human life based on four principles: 1) beneficence, 2) non-maleficence, 3) autonomy, and 4) justice. Currently, greater awareness is required among both health service providers and researchers to provide timely care and inclusion in research protocols, which allows the generation of more epidemiological information on trans women.
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