Local Governance and Bioethics: The Challenges of Aging in Hidalgo, 1999-2024.
In a time when economic, social, health, and demographic circumstances demand renewed attention towards the most vulnerable sectors, the role of government in protecting and promoting the rights of the elderly becomes crucial. Precisely towards this guideline, the present study is directed. Through a qualitative methodology and a descriptive analysis, current federal and state laws are thoroughly reviewed, as well as the lines of action derived from state-level implemented public policies. This analysis is carried out from the gerontological perspective of public policies, which highlights the ethical and bioethical aspects involved in the changes in the country's population structure, emphasizing the vulnerability that age brings to the exercise of human rights and the economic conditions of older adults, as well as the significant barriers they face to achieve a dignified life through retirements or pensions. The research highlights the need for an ethical and bioethical stance for effective coordination among different levels of government and specialists in the well-being and care of the elderly, who are pivotal in the construction of comprehensive and effective social programs. The findings underscore the importance of these policies in promoting well being and guaranteeing the rights of older adults in our society.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Manuel Alexis Montiel Sánchez, Marco Antonio Reyes Calva, María del Refugio Acuña Gurrola, Bertha Maribel Pimentel Pérez, Lydia López-Pontigo

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