Bioethics in Hospital Pedagogy
The purpose of this article is to analyze the fundamentals of hospital pedagogy and its relationship to bioethics. The hospitalization of a girl or boy implies a traumatic and distressing experience, in which they associates the pain and discomfort of environments outside their daily life, making it a difficult situation to face, in addition to it, several of them are of school age (Murillo, 2017); so an intervention that considers the needs of patients for the continuation of their physical, psychic and social development becomes inescapable. In this sense, pedagogy arises as an opportunity to make up for the educational training of girls and boys during their stay in the hospital, it is worth mentioning that this has as its purpose the socio-educational care of individuals who are in a situation of chronic illness, regardless of their social, cultural or economic status, so classes in the hospital can generate a reduction of anxiety in the face of the unknown, besides it helps to forget their illness and generate new relationships. In this sense, bioethics allows to development the skills to make decisions in the face of dilemmatic situations.
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Copyright (c) 2020 Irma Quintero-López , Alba Antonieta Martínez-Tejeda

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