Medical Practice in the COVID-19 Crisis, an Unsafe Practice

Keywords: Bioethics, pandemic, medical crisis


The situation humanity is currently experiencing is an unforeseen event for which we were not prepared. Unquestionably, the health systems in the world collapsed along with the increase in positive cases of COVID-19. Medical personnel and members of other health care disciplines did not have the necessary training to carry out the necessary protection when dealing with infected patients, however, it was work that had to be done. The death of the first doctors was the turning point at which it was evident that high security measures were required, as well as sufficient training for them to continue their work. Despite the measures implemented, contagion remained a reality. Added to this, at least in our country, the response of the population, which in many cases has been negative, accompanied by attacks on staff, damage to infrastructure and violation of the fundamental rights of other patients. The objective of this article is to present the current situation and help to create awareness of the risk that doctors and other health workers experience in their day to day, since the beginning of this pandemic.


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