Extraordinary action in matters of general health and its impact on health care personnel

  • Alejandro Pacheco-Gómez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
Keywords: Sanitary Action, Human Rights, Public Health


The extraordinary action in matters of general health is a measure to prevent, combat and avoid health risks such as serious epidemics, the presence of exotic diseases or the danger of invasion of communicable diseases, by means of which the exercise of some rights is restricted to safeguard public health, supported by provisions of the Mexican Constitution for a legitimate and non-arbitrary application.


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Pacheco, U. & Pacheco A. (2020).Origen y sentido de la medida de extraordinaria en salud: el Consejo de Salubridad General [Internet]. [Citado 17 de septiembre de 2020]. Disponible: https://eljuegodelacorte.nexos.com.mx/?author_name=alejandro-pacheco-gomez.

CasaMadrid Mata,O. (2005).La atención médica y el derecho sanitario: Editorial Alfil; XII.
