Evolution of gestational surrogacy through the years and the new challenges for its implementation

Keywords: Maternity, Surrogate motherhood, Surrogacy


Surrogacy is an alternative for women who want to start a family but cannot foe biological, surgical o pathological reasons. However, over time, the implementation of this procedure has presented too many obstacles, due to ethical and legal issues, since in many first world countries, uterine transplantation has come to be considered the best alternative to achieve conception. This without considering the treatment that surrogacy mothers usually receive, who in some cases are considered simple recipients. Many advances have been made as society, so it is necessary to maintain vigilance in how these types of alternatives are regulated to achieve the parenthood so desired by many couples. For this reason, the dignified and respectful treatment of women who offer their bodies to achieve the parenthood, nor to mention medical, psychological, and social support, are essential during this process.


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