The international commerce and the relation with the internal and external law in Mexico

Keywords: International commerce, international agreements, domestic law


International trade is an economic activity that, given its importance, is jealously protected by the States that exercise it. The organization and control of states are exercised in two normative ways: internal laws and international norms. First, countries need strong internal regulations to support them. Subsequently, and derived from the existing legal framework, voluntary agreements are made with other States of the international community to facilitate Mexico's trade relations with its peers. National security in international trade is also taken into account as it involves the crossing of borders and the convergence of national regulations. Finally, commercial diplomacy is briefly addressed, due to the importance of the mentioned trade, Mexico must continue promoting international relations with commercial partners, as well as the search for new markets to diversify the destinations of Mexican exportable products


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How to Cite
Vite Gómez, E. E., & Suárez Barrera, G. (2023). The international commerce and the relation with the internal and external law in Mexico. CaleidoscoPI, 1(1), 27-36. Retrieved from