The extension of Kinship and its Legal Consequences

Keywords: Marriage, Concubinage, Relationship, Legal Consequences, Principal Obligations


Within the world of Law, different types of kinship are recognized that, due to their importance, it is necessary to approach the subject in order to deepen and present in the present study the main consequences that derive from kinship that subject is classified in consanguineous kinship, by affinity, adoption or civil. In the development of the work will understand the rights and obligations of relatives in a straight line upward, downward and collateral, who in turn are obliged to provide food and their remoteness is unknown by relatives to what extent you can request such benefit.


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How to Cite
Arguelles-Azuara, I., Sarmiento-Vargas, I., & Tomás-Mariano, V. T. (2019). The extension of Kinship and its Legal Consequences. Ciencia Huasteca Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Huejutla, 7(13), 9-16.