Community involvement to fight dengue

Keywords: CAP, contribution of localities, Aedes aegypti, ovitramps


Aedes aegypti’s arthropod is a vector and one of the main causes of several viral endemic diseases, including Dengue. Dengue`s virus belongs to flaviviridae family and have 4 serotypes, that according to OMS, severity of triggered desease depends on risk factors such as comorbidities and history of having previously Dengue’s disease.

Increase of vector population is favored by bodies of still water, therefore it is important to raise awareness about the illness and the importance of eliminate the mosquitoe´s breeding sites.

Involvement of community in activities directed to keep yards clean and eliminate breeding sites play an important role in vector control. Educational intervention directed to strenghten “community practices” and its effectivity depends on primary care approach and breaking any existing communication barrier.


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How to Cite
Hernández Pérez, R. margarita, & Ochoa-Cortes, F. (2022). Community involvement to fight dengue. Ciencia Huasteca Boletín Científico De La Escuela Superior De Huejutla, 10(20), 37-42.

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