Fibers, fabrics adn threads, seen from art

Keywords: Embroidery, contemporany art, textile art


Since the twentieth century, art has undergone a change, since it has not only conformed to the development of traditional classical techniques attributed to fine arts. In their search, the artists have transgressed the use of materials, formats and supports. Currently it is possible to find a large group of works that are the result of having retaken an ancestral discipline, we refer to the use of weaving and embroidery to create a new art, taking it to galleries, museums and open spaces to give it a meaning that goes beyond tradition. In this new type of practice, the sculptures or installations of Sheila Hicks, Francoise Grossen and Ewa Jarosznska, among others, stand out. These authors use different types of natural fibers to create this type of textile art, which, It is also known today as Fiber art. With the development of this research, it was observed that contemporary artists have followed in the footsteps of the first pioneering artists in the use of threads, fibers and fabrics in art, and with this they have achieved a greater openness so that textiles are no longer viewed solely as a minor art or craft.


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How to Cite
Caporal Gaytán, J. M., Ledezma Campos, M. A., & Rodríguez Arévalo, J. (2022). Fibers, fabrics adn threads, seen from art. MAGOTZI Boletín Científico De Artes Del IA, 10(19), 37-43.